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Casey talking to Dad on Skype for Mother's Day. |
Charles Nana, Elder I and Elder Dickson at the baptism. |
Charles Nana and Elder Dickson in all white. |
Elder Dickson wearing the shirt his brother and sister got him for his birthday. |
Thanks for the glorious phone call yesterday! It was so good to see everyone, even though I'll be seeing all of you soon lol...
told all the best stuff on Skype, but I thought I'd let everyone else
know that we had a baptism! Yay! Charles Nana from Cameroon, Africa
passed his interview on Thursday, got baptized on Saturday, and got
confirmed Sunday! It was pretty cool; I got to baptize him, and Elder
Kallon came back from Covington Ward to give Charles the Holy Ghost. Not
too many people were at the baptism (we had more missionaries than
members...) but it was still a sweet experience; it was my first time
getting wet on my mish, so I was pretty excited! Charles is a man of
great faith and few words; he was ready to get baptized the day he found
us. He was so happy when we first got out of the water and were
changing in the bathroom; he was smiling a mile a minute, and it was
infectious. I'm so happy for him, and so grateful for a loving Father in
Heaven that orchestrated everything so we could meet him when he was
most prepared and we were most worthy and when the timing and spirit was
most right. I'm grateful for Christ's atoning sacrifice so Charles
could repent and baptized for remission of sins; me as well. I love the
truths of this church, and how they are so simple and so true.
Anyway, this week:
Monday morning, as well as every
evening this week, we saw Charles to prep him for the big day, and
finished up the lessons; we were fortunate enough to get some members to
come with us... Later that night, we went out with the ward mission
leader to see some people...
Tuesday was my birthday! Yay me! Thanks for the money and candy and cards and such; I bought myself a tie with it lol it's my birthday gift to me! I'm so happy...
(10 points for the one who gets that reference...). We had a stellar
Zone Training, and everyone sang Happy Birthday to me! I'm famous! Then
we went to Mellow Mushroom, one of my favorite pizza places! Next, I
went on exchange with Elder Adams (I stayed in Conyers); we taught Ruby
Kay, Tasha's grandmother, then had dinner with Henry and Ashley, our
investigators. There are times when they seem ready, and others when we
aren't so sure of their intentions... they missed church this past
Sunday, no one knows why... that night we went to watch a baptism in
Covington, an 88-year-old man who can't hear anything and can barely
stand; what a boss! Just goes to show you, that you're never too old to
change... Charles came and watched the baptism with us, but missed the
actual baptism part... again lol...
Wednesday we exchanged back, and biked a lot before heading to
Burlington Coat Factory to help Charles pick out a suit; it's pretty
nice, I gotta say lol... it's strange how back home, I had no idea what
looked good, especially as far as suits and ties; in the mission field,
ties are the only thing we can change up, and it's like a currency for
us lol. It's how we get our kicks; I've a part of some pretty mission
famous tie trades lol...
That night as well we had dinner with the Christensen's, a very
funny older couple, and saw Charles with Sister Nolden, and taught
baptism, and reviewed the baptismal interview questions with him...
Thursday us and the Spanish elders, Elder Gentry and Elder Mayo, got in a
bash with some born-again christian guy telling us we aren't saved by
works (which is true) and all we have to do is confess we accept Jesus
as our Savior and we'll be saved (which isn't completely true; see Matt.
7:21-27.) He knew his scriptures (though he did not understand them...)
and was very good as telling us what we believe, even if it wasn't
true, and then proceeded to tell us how we were wrong, not letting us
talk and ignoring our questions, and interrupting us when we testify. No
point in wasting our time if he doesn't want to listen; there are a lot
of people to teach and not a lot of time to teach them in.
On the other hand, the lesson we had with Charles and the Bishop
just before his interview was great! It's so interesting to come
straight from a bash, where the person didn't want to listen or needed
proof, to a lesson where the person hangs on to every word and takes
everything on faith. Makes you appreciate those who have been prepared
by the Lord to listen and learn. After Charles passed the interview, we
went with the Spanish elders to Chick-fil-a to celebrate!
Friday we weekly planned all day; Elder Moore was sick, so we
didn't bike much... Some members in Covington invited us to dinner to
celebrate Elder Moore's birthday (his was May 5th); it was fantastic! We
had steak and potatoes and snicker doodles and mint ice cream;
glorious! Then we saw Charles again with Bro. Z, who is the family
history guy, so Charles can get his names prepared to go do baptisms for
the dead!
Saturday we had service at the church; they are building a pavilion
(finally) and we helped put up the fence posts around the field. I
worked the auger (a big hole-drilling tool; it was intense!) with my
companion, as well as digging with a regular shovel; we got pretty dirty
lol. Then we went straight from that to help Sister Hanes move with the
Spanish elders; we were pretty tired at the end of it all lol! lastly,
we had Charles baptism that night; not as many as I would have liked
were there, but it was still nice; I've never seen a happier man than
Charles on that day! After it was all said and done, we went home and
baked a DiGiorno pizza in celebration! It was a pretty good day!
Sunday Charles got confirmed and participated in Elder's Quorum,
which was cool to see. After church we went to Sister Nolden's for
dinner, as well as my comp Elder Moore getting the chance to Skype his
family. It was pretty good; his family lives in Collin's stake! He gets
back on Thursday, I heard; how crazy! Say hi to him for me!
Monday we went to a Catholic Monastery, which was kinda cool; it's
certainly different than all the other churches you see around here.
They actually have monks living there! And a lot of them have taken a
vow of silence! I don't have any pictures because my camera was acting
up again, so I'll borrow some from the other elders and send them next
week. Finally we went to the Bishop's house and I got to Skype mi
familia, which was glorious! Thanks for being the best family anyone
could ask for; I love you all and will see y'all soon! Take Luck!
Elder Casey Guy Dickson
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