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Missionaries are always ready to strike a pose. |
The "end of mission" talk doesn't make me too trunky, but it makes
me realize it's about time to start talking about it... to start talking
about school and filling out applications and how to work out where I'm
flying to lol. It kinda scares me that I'm that close to the end that I
need to get this going...
I got Aunt Nina's package this last Thursday, so I got it after I
sent my letter. I just sent her an e-mail to thank her.
Did that family you guys were helping fellowshipping come to church yet?
Anyway, this week:
Tuesday we had a zone training (which is in between a district
meeting and a zone conference), which was good. They talked about a new
way to try to get referrals from members, LA/RC (less-active/recent
converts), and investigators. We teach a lesson to the members about
missionary work or the Restoration or Plan of Salvation or such, asking
them to keep friends in mind as we share it, then we help them
understand that when people come to their minds as they hear truth or
something about the gospel their firneds don't have, that is revelation
from Heavenly Father to help them feel that Christ-like love for their
friends, and that it is their duty to share it with them. Then we'll
kneel with them and pray for those names they have, or to have names
come to them if they don't have any yet. It is only through the members
we can ever hope to accomplish this work.
Also went Christmas shopping for y'all that day, hope y'all like what I got ya guys!
Did service on Wed. for Sister Draney, a super awesome lady in the
ward who deals with everyone else's problems aside from her own, so we
decided to help her with some of the moving boxes and funiture that she
needed done. Even with all she does, she still finds time to give us
rides, and she apologizes to us for not being able to do more; wish we
had more like her!
Thursday Elder Rogers had a leadership training meeting, so I went
up to Milton with Elder Ontiveros (his name is hispanic, but he is not)
for two days. It was a pretty good exchange, Elder O is a brand new
missionary who wants to baptize the world, but doesn't know how yet lol!
I remember those days... anyway, he did A LOT of biking when I was
there, but we talked to a lot of nice people and met a super elect guy
who already had a Book of Mormon, was reading and praying about it, and
believes it's true; Holy cow!
Then Friday evening I got back to John's Creek, and went on
exchange with one of the zone leaders, Elder Sarniguet (he IS hispanic);
two exchanges in a row takes a lot out of ya! I didn't see Elder Rogers
for like 3 days!
Saturday my real comp. and I got back together and got back to
work; he share with me the new thing they learned at leadership; about
doing what's called a "Peace and Blessing": as we find, we ask people if
we can say a prayer over their home; we figured whether they want to
hear our message or not, not a lot of people would say no to a blessing.
It gives them a chance to feel the spirit, and a chance for us to
explain priesthood authority. Tried it a few times, and it worked pretty
well; we got a lot of return appointments after the holidays, so we'll
be busy in a bit. We also went out and took some cookies to gators and
LA's, which was nice; got in with the Kelly's, a family we have been
trying to see for a while; they have a 9 year old daughter that has
wanted to get baptized, but her mom keeps saying she'll call us and
hasn't. Will get 'em this week!
Sunday was a good day; we had our top gator Steve come, and he
loved it! We had a stellar Christmas Music Program, and had some good
discussions in the classes, so I suspect he felt the spirit and that
we'll see him again; trying to set up an appt. for Thurs...
Then we had dinner with the LeCheminants, a fun family who moved
from Utah to Alabama to Georgia while their son was on a mission...
sound familiar lol? Anyway their son is back now, and he's a funny guy.
Then we weekly planned Sunday night because Elder Rogers and I were
apart on Friday.
That's about it so far; we got some ballin' to do today, and have a
team-up with our ward mission leader Bro. Lakip to see some LA's and
maybe the Kelly's.
Can't wait to hear from y'all, and to open the huge package I was told I have waiting for me at the office lol...
Can't wait to hear from y'all, and to open the huge package I was told I have waiting for me at the office lol...
Our family is on a journey across the map, trying to do what we
can; but no matter where we all are, because of the sealing power, we
are all strapped together, and we are never truly separated from one
another. I know God and His Son live, and that families can live with
them forever in His Kingdom if we keep the commandments. In Christ's
name, amen.
Good luck to everyone! Love ya!
Elder Casey Guy Dickson
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