Hey, Dad! Thanks for the story, that's really cool. I'm glad you are feeling better too; being sick is never fun. I've been fortunate to have not gotten too sick to go out and work yet; the winter is rather mild; haven't had any flurries since November! It still gets cold, but it hasn't been too bad yet. Anyway, I'll put the majority of my week in the family letter, but I'll tell you about this one lady we found: We were going through the area book during weekly planning (a.k.a. weekly torture session lol; it's boring but important) and found a few names we felt prompted to visit in cause they were interested again or yet or still. We called her a few weeks ago and visited her house, but no one answered. The second time we decided to try the house again a man answered, saying the woman we were looking for was unavailable. On Thursday night we got a call from here, thanking us for calling and asked if we could come see her again. Friday we met in her home and talked; she has met with missionaries before, and really likes the values of our religion, which she has not seen in other Christian faiths lately. Unfortunately, her husband is verbally abusive, and an alcoholic; she has just barely convinced him to get a divorce. She says she needs the week to get all this mess taken care of, but would absolutely love to learn more! She already had a Book of Mormon from the last missionaries, so we gave her some pamphlets and FFIC (Finding Faith in Christ) and the Restoration DVDs. We also gave her a blessing of comfort, which brought tears to her eyes. We should've invited her to church, but we had already been there for almost two hours (she is a talker); we figured we'd give her time to get her affairs in order. On Saturday, while we were at an All-you-can-eat buffet called Stevie B's (which is a LOT better than CeeCee's) from her, thanking us for the blessing and the DVD's; she watched them both and loved them! She asked if she could get more info on our churches history. We invited her to check out Mormon.org, and we also promised we'd bring some more material next time we could meet. She is a sweet woman in a bad situation, and I know she felt the spirit multiple times with us; I have hope this will all turn out well; she might move, and we might have to turn her over to the other mission. Anyway, that's my highlight of this week, aside from meeting nuns on the street the other day. Not kidding! Real live nuns, in the gowns and everything! They were really nice. More to come, but thanks for your amazing example; you and the rest of the Dickson clan are always in my prayers! Good luck with life! Love, Your grown up son, Elder Casey Guy Dickson
Follow Casey's next great adventure as he serves an LDS mission in Georgia for the next two years.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Casey meets some nuns ... and other inspiring stories
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Casey Guy Dickson

Called to serve in the Georgia Atlanta North Mission (July 2011 to July 2013)
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