Hola, Familia!
I'm glad y'all good holiday season with Dad. It was very nice to not just talk but see y'all; Devin and Shelby, you don't sound like yourselves lol! I told y'all not to grow up till I get home!
Thanks again for all the gifts; I wore the scarf all day yesterday! And I have enough candy to last me till I get home lol. Well... maybe not, at the rate I eat them lol. But the best gift of all was seeing all you guys and talking to you. And you too, Aunt Nina. I miss all of you. I'll look for that letter; if I can't get a hold of it, I'll still send one out.
It was really nice to see everyone... I admit, when we started, I didn't know what to say; I was a little speechless. I have tried not to think about y'all too often... I have been too busy to. I'm doing good now; that talk at Christmas did what it was supposed to do, and now I'm ready to roll!
It has certainly been an interesting week; I spent most of it trying to learn the new area and investigators; there are a lot more here than in Dahlonega. We have two with a date right now; one is an older guy living with his parents, and another is a girl in the ward's boyfriend; both are pretty cool, and I have a good feeling about them. Some of the other investigators have circumstances outside our control; one is still on probation, another has a mother who refuses to let him get baptized, etc. I pray all the time for the Lord to provide a way and lead us to that path; I know He will.
The members are pretty much the same, so I'm not worried about that. I still get to see Brother Sandoz, so that's a blessing.
Elder Asher is an awesome kid; we have A LOT of the same interests. I promise not to let those get in the way of us getting the work done.
Go Cougars! I hope they win, let me know what happens.
Go, T-wolves! I know it's tough when people quit, but any team can win with the right attitude and dedication. Besides, you have Mom as a coach and Shelby as a starter... you can't go wrong there!
Merry Christmas, Grandpa and Sheila and Aunt Darcell and Uncle Charles and Rebecca and whoever else is reading this; thank you all for your support and love!
I need to find the cord for my camera, so I'll send the pictures tomorrow; thanks for the pictures! I always enjoy them!
I hope y'all had and continue to have a great holiday season; I hope you will all remember what Christmas was and is really about. I wish you all a happy 2012, and hope it is even better than last year! Thanks again for everything,
Elder Casey Guy Dickson
P.S. Let me know, Devin, if you got the game set up, and tell me how it is!
P.S.S. You guys all be nice to each other. Love ya!
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