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Casey's living quarters in Georgia. It has a washer and dryer! |
Hey, everyone!
The whole e-mail thing is nice and the blog is too since I haven't
been writing in my journal like I should. I've never kept one till now; I
was doing great in the MTC but a couple months out here and I've been
forgetting to do it! I gotta get on that!
Go Cougs! Sounds like Riley is the guy this year!
The work is going great! We had a couple surprise appearances at
sacrament meeting; one of the 18-year olds brought his girlfriend, an
investigator brought her mom and best friend, and a recent convert
brought a friend! How exciting! Also had a surprise visit from a guy who
works at Wendy's that we gave a Mormon.org card to last week. He got
online, liked what he saw, and found the address to our church and
showed up at sacrament meeting! Awesome! He has agreed to meet
with the other elders (he lives in their area), so we're excited!
Struggling a little still with the mom of our goldens, but we are
working with her every chance we get!
We always jump at chances to serve! We helped the relief society set up for their activity; they were so grateful they fed us! Sounds like a good deal lol! Really though, service is great, and it's all about serving our fellow man without reward!
We always jump at chances to serve! We helped the relief society set up for their activity; they were so grateful they fed us! Sounds like a good deal lol! Really though, service is great, and it's all about serving our fellow man without reward!
Doing my own laundry isn't too bad; it's nice that we have a washer
and dryer in the apartment! Since it's cooling down, I'm not going
through multiple shirts a day now lol!
The dumb thing about last week was that I got a nail in my tire... 3
times! In the space of a week! Give me a break! And it was the back
wheel each time; spent 25 bucks on new tires and tubes; ouch! Good thing
that came from it is that now I'm pro at changing tires lol.
We did an exchange this week; Elder Sarniguet (Sar-knee-get) was
with me while his and my companion were at leadership meetings two days
in a row. Elder Sarniguet is the new spanish elder for our spanish
branch; I was the senior companion! Ahhhhhh! He was born in Chile, moved
to Alabama when he was 12, and is fluent in English and Spanish, and is
teaching himself Portuguese! Pretty cool guy; he looks and sorta acts
like Fezz on That 70's Show lol! We had an interesting experience; we
went to all his spanish appointments (so I didn't understand anything
lol) and then we got in an arguement with a Jehovah's Witness lady. We
didn't start it, and we didn't argue or yell or anything, but we talked
and shared and invited (like we are supposed to do) and she wouldn't
accept anything from us since we believe Jesus Christ is Jehovah (which
he is; read John 1:1-3 and 14, then read 1st John 5:7; Jesus Christ is
the Word, and the Word is God.) It makes me sad, because even when we
showed her in the Bible were we get that belief from she refuses to
accept it. I have nothing whatsoever against Jehovah's Witnesses, or any
other religion for that matter; but even when we help people understand
the Bible and share the Book of Mormon with them, there are some that
just won't even try to believe or at least pray about it (which the
invitation we give to everyone). Oh well. The work will go on; if we are
faithful and diligent, then the Lord will lead us to the elect by the
Holy Spirit.
Anyway, we had a good learning experience together and I'm grateful for it.
Oh, also, we met this one guy who was really open to any religion
or any idea and such (which is a change). He was wondering why people
are so against the Book of Mormon, especially when they haven't even
read it yet. Wow! I have been wondering the exact same thing! We shared
an awesome first lesson, and we hope to see him again!
Oh, we also found this really awesome hole-in-the-wall wings place
that has the best wings I have ever had! We are definitely going back
and teaching the guy who owns the joint!
It has been a good week, and I'm looking forward to the next!
Transfers are on the 9th of November; I had it hinted at me by the
zone leaders that I might be sent to another zone, and I might be
Oh well; it has to happen sometime. I will go where he wants me to
go; it will be where the Lord needs me most. If he needs me to train, so
be it. It'll be a good responsibility position for me to learn and
grow. We'll see.
I've sent pictures of the apartment; it's pretty nice and clean. We
could probably have two more missionaries stay comfortably with us.
Elder Nielsen says it's the second nicest he has been in; when you have
been out as long as he has (that phrase is a joke between us
missionaries), you have seen all kinds of apartments.
The food here is pretty good; last night I had 4 cheese lasagna,
and it was awesome! Still have some leftovers; the Bishop's wife is a
fantastic cook! I have been eating almost too well; it's a good thing I
am biking. I'm not losing weight anymore; I'm maintaining. I gotta get a
better exercise routine going.
I discovered something; that is what the mission, really our life
here on earth is all about; love. I continually pray for the gift of
charity as I come to love and teach these people. Christ is the reason.
P.S. Hey Devin, did your package come yet?! I sent it two and a
half weeks ago, so it should be there by now. How's everything? Write
me, please!
P.S. Hey Shelby and Mom; how's volleyball and such. Write me!
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