!Hola, Familia!
Thanks for all the care packages, I've enjoyed them all immensely! The Twix and Peachios were awesome, but I'm actually not allowed to chew gum in class or when I'm teaching or when I'm proselyting, so I can really only chew it in my room. So while I love gum, and love that you sent me some, I'm not really allowed to have any. Thanks, though!
Mom and Shelby - I have no idea where my phone is. I thought I gave it to dad that Tuesday night. Ask him, or else search my room, but be careful. Braver and the wiser than you have lost their lives in the horrible depths of my domain. I'm good on clothes (thanks, by the way), but I always would love more sweets lol. But you guys don't have to get my anything. Thanks again, and ask dad if he has the phone. Love and miss you!
Dad - Do you have my phone? I don't remember if I gave it to you or not. Thanks for the e-mail, sounds like all is good in the land of Nebraska. Want to hear something cool? The other 4 Elders and a sister in my District are going to Omaha, Nebraska for their missions! Maybe they will see you or the rest of the fam, when they get there. They are Elders Boddy, Chesley, Brown, Widmer (who I went to high school with), and Sister Coats. If they end up in your boundaries sometime, feed them!
I am fed pretty well here (it's slightly better than school food), but I don't feel like I'm getting enough exercise to burn it all off, so I've been trying to do extra push-ups and sit-ups in my downtime (happy, Mom?). Glad you're doing so well in Nebraska, let me know how football goes and such. Miss you!
Devin - Thanks for all the Psych updates; all my roommates are fans of the show, so we all enjoy hearing about it. Sounds like an eventful last episode, let me know when the new one comes out. Also, check out darthater.com or swtor.com and let me know the TOR updates, OK? How's basketball going? Keep me updated on all family stuff too.
Thanks to all of you for your support. I do miss you guys, but I keep myself busy so I can focus on my purpose: to help others come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Christ and his Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. I know that if the early missionaries didn't teach my ancestors, I wouldn't be here, and I never would have grown up knowing the truth. How can I deny other families that enormous blessing? I bear my testimony, I know this church is true, I love my family, and I know that Christ is my Savior and Redeemer, and through him we can return to our Heavenly Father to live in eternal happiness and peace. Amen.
P.S I will send some photos I have taken in a hand-written letter, since I can't send them by e-mail. Feel free to put them on the blog, but not on Facebook yet.
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